Sunday, February 1, 2015

Letters All Around

We woke up to a breakfast with no eggs and headed off to the killer kindergarteners again. This time Lee joined us, because he had nothing in particular to do. It was amusing watching a lawyer become a pre-primary schoolteacher. We spent about an hour with them doing the normal- dancing around, singing, counting, and spinning in circles.

We all headed to the secondary school to teach another lesson in how to write a story to Form III students. The story we all made together was pretty morbid this time. It started with a guy walking past a store, but he didn’t have enough money to buy what he wanted so he stole it. In the end, the character was necklaced (had burning tires put around him). He died. All the students were willing to share their stories this time. We didn’t have to coax anyone out of their chairs today. At 12, we headed back to the mission house for lunch.

Montana went out for a walk to the playgrounds and LuRue met her there. They watch some people cut wood and then headed back up to the mission house.

Montana, LuRue, and Lee went to the secondary school around 4 to play games and talk. Horan had told us to go to the library, which we did. When we got there, there was nobody there. We waited a while, until several kids from outside came in. We played a few games of Pommern style Uno, but then a teacher came in to teach the class, so we had to leave. There were several other kids outside the library, we assume they were there for protection from the rain. We got a few of them to come in and started with another game of Uno.

Finally, Horan came in with the Scrabble board and several Form V or VI kids who had no idea how to play Scrabble. So, we taught them how and started playing a game (with no scores). Everyone was getting into it. Even the English speakers learn new words, like git, “a stupid, worthless person”. At 5:20, the game of Scrabble ended and we packed up and headed to the mission house for dinner and sharing journals.

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