This morning we gained a huge respect for kindergarten
teachers. Having to handle 13 kids between ages 2-4 is very tiring. Every 10
minutes or less we had to change what we were doing. We switched between
numbers, ABC’s, colors, singing, drawing, and anything else we could think of
on the spur of the moment. We were very relieved when 11:30 came around and we
knew we would have 2 days of rest before getting attacked by little kids again.
We went back to the mission house for lunch. Nothing really
happened after lunch until around 4, when we went to the secondary school for
more teaching.
This time we actually came up with a partial plan which,
like everything else here, changed. We were supposed to be teaching how to
write a story, but because both Lee and Jennifer joined us, they turned it into
write a paragraph about what you think America is like. This is very different
than writing a story. We both decided we would be very disappointed if we were
told that we were going to be taught how to write a story, but it turned into
writing a paragraph. We’re on Tanzanian time though, so we just kind of went
with the flow.
After the lesson was over Lee and Jennifer left to this
mission house, but Montana and LuRue stayed. LuRue talked to some guys who were
asking lots of questions, and Montana talked to a few of the members in her
fandom. LuRue was asked questions like if Montana could be sold away for 300
cows but then upped it to 3,000 and some real questions like how do we get our food
in the USA and marriage of different races. Montana was asked several questions
including whether or not she could sell her brother away to one of the girls,
which obviously she said yes to. One of Montana’s fans gave her a lollipop that
said Big Bom XXL.
The students had to leave for prayer, so we left to the
mission house around 6:00. No one else was around when we got back, but dinner
was served earlier. We decided not to wait for the others and just started on
our own. The others caught up to us later and even finished their dinner before
LuRue did. We had a few random conversations and play four games of Uno, which
Montana won 3 of, before parting our separate ways.