Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Finally....a real scuba dive!!

No one needed to set an alarm this morning. At 5:30am a simultaneous lightning flash & clap of thunder had everyone practically jumping out of bed this morning. Everyone was thinking, oh no, another day with hardly any snorkeling or scuba diving, but the weather changed and it turned out to be the best weather day since we got here.

When everyone else was taking their 7:30 dive, LuRue and Montana and another woman, Lisa, walked around the island counting how many sooty tern chicks there were. They counted around 14, but are sure they missed hundreds of them hiding in the coral rubble.

After breakfast, Simon gave a fish ID talk. Then he took Montana and LuRue out for their first scuba dive! We both thought it was very fun and interesting, and quite the experience. We only went down to seven feet, but got to take a short cut, by not learning all the needed things to go deeper. In other words, we kind of cheated our diving lessons. We both agree that it was easier than we thought. Once in the water, it was just swimming around. We both had different problems, however nothing serious. Montana's ears refused to pop and LuRue had troubles clearing her snorkel mask.

They got back right around lunch time. We had chicken salad for lunch with lots of lettuce. YUM!

After Lunch, LuRue, Montana and Lisa went out for a snorkel. Lisa just came to try out her new underwater camera, and she left early. Montana and LuRue stayed in the water about two hours. We saw some new species of fish, some of which are very unusual, such as a cowfish or a queen angelfish.

That was all for the water that day. After getting back LuRue and Montana just relaxed and did a quick edit on the pictures they had taken.

The group is very congenial & meals are enjoyable with everyone exchanging diving information, sharing stories of where they live or work that they do. After a late dinner, some stay up until the wee hours, but Montana and LuRue are usually back in their room, writing this blog and getting ready for bed about 9:00pm.


  1. Great news that you got out for a dive! Hope the weather holds up so you can do some more.

  2. Yahoo! Diving finally. I can't wait to see all the photos when you get back. You guys are getting some great pictures.

  3. LOVE the scuba photo--I bet it was "quite the experience." So great that it was easier than you thought--wow I am impressed, never having had the courage to try it.
