We did nothing exciting this morning, before our second drum
school. We got our duffels packed as much as possible and LuRue, with some help
from Montana, got her money organized, and Montana made the reservations for
tomorrow. LuRue said, “She felt so tired, she would need to be carried home if
she went into town.”
At 2:45, we went outside to wait for our taxi, but it didn’t
come. We figured out that the taxi never got notified, because she wasn’t
answering any of her calls from Esmé, the assistant for Kate while Kate is
gone. Esmé finally called another taxi and we arrived at the drum place only 5
minutes late.
Today, the drum school was about making drums, which we
decided neither of us would want to do in our free time. Ray, the instructor,
had us open up the inside with a hammer and chisel. Part of it was already done
though, so it was much easier than it would have been to do from the start.
Also, this particular tree, termites ate their way through the center to make a
home, so that made it easier too. Ray also had us plane and sand the outside.
Planing is when you use a planer to take off the bumps on the outside of the
drum. We never did finish a drum completely though.
After he taught us how to make drums, Ray and his younger
brother, Ivan, worked with Montana on a song she sent them earlier in the week.
LuRue had fun watching them work and it looked like Ray and Ivan were having a
good time helping Montana. So, everyone seemed to be having a good time.
At around 5, we called a taxi to pick us up and he drove us
back to Blue Belize.